welcome to the group.
what Jimmy Page said----use facebook--loads of ex jw groups on there. even if not local to you--there are lots of people of all ages to chat to--and who share your experience.
ok. some back story.
i was born into the jw thing.
so was my dad and mom.
welcome to the group.
what Jimmy Page said----use facebook--loads of ex jw groups on there. even if not local to you--there are lots of people of all ages to chat to--and who share your experience.
first of all immigration is a privilege not a right, the same as obtaining a driving license it's.
a privilege not a right.
my suggestion all muslims that seeking permanent resident or a visa.
'like you're touching someone covered in a lubricant': next generation condoms.
the melbourne age - december 09, 2015. better than nature - i cant wait ....
read more: http://www.theage.com.au/technology/sci-tech/brain-scans-test-pleasure-attributes-of-nextgen-condom-20151209-glj7aw.html#ixzz3trlg56vl.
hmmmmm i see they do green ones------
are they just moving the goal posts now that 2016 is almost upon us?.
when was the last time anyone recalls hearing the word 'remnant', in meetings or conversation?
is it something still discussed?
[i haven't attended in 20 years, so no idea].
", out on "the work" as we called it"
lol--that takes me back 50 years.
didnt all congregations back then have one of the remnant ?
like a length of surplus carpet.
had a conversation with my jw mother the other day.
she has been baptized for over 50 years.
i've been out for 30 years, but because both my mother and mother-in-law are jw's i keep up with all things jw.
................who ordered the chinese takeaway?????????
the british humanist association web-site has reported on the results of the british social attitudes survey, which is a major annual survey, the latest report covering the year 2013:.
for the first time, those people saying they are not members of any religious group are in the majority in the uk, up by three percentage points from 47.7% to 50.6% in just one year.
cute Egyptian bellydancers with large breasts and hot curves, tons of alcohol and so forth ..
sometimes i worry a little bit about you L.UNI
but still, they ask for more at every opportunity.
send in that ice cream money kids!.
Richard Devine, a Jehovah's Witnesses spokesman,
is that really his name ???
jehovahs official one-and-only estate agent.
the british humanist association web-site has reported on the results of the british social attitudes survey, which is a major annual survey, the latest report covering the year 2013:.
for the first time, those people saying they are not members of any religious group are in the majority in the uk, up by three percentage points from 47.7% to 50.6% in just one year.
empty churches get converted into trendy pubs --wetherspoons here----upmarket flats--youth clubs---kingdom halls----
oooh--does that stand for WatchTower F*ck ?